City on a Hill Director's Commentary

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Free Magazine

Equality is the magazine published by Human Rights Campaign, a pro-homosexual group. And somehow Dave got hold of one and threw it on my desk.

So I leafed through it, and, as expected, it takes a view of human sexuality that is at odds with clear biblical teaching.

And I started thinking about the definition of justice that Dr. Reynolds talked about last summer when I was at Biola. Justice is trying equals equally and unequals unequally. This is an intuitive way of living that we all do. We treat M&Ms different from carrot sticks, because they’re not equal.

And, moral judgments aside, we do this with sexual behavior as well. Heterosexual sex makes babies. Homosexual sex does not. These are unequal behaviors, and, as such, we treat them differently from a policy standpoint.

If anyone finds this blog, there are a million directions the comments will go. But I would ask you to focus on this question: Is Equality a good title for this magazine?


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