City on a Hill Director's Commentary

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thank you ABC

I nearly fell out of my chair. My lovely bride frequently tunes in to Good Morning America to catch the weather as she gets ready for work. Yesterday morning, the guests were Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, talking about their book "The Jesus Chronicles, John's Story: The Last Eyewitness."

I’m used to ABC putting a very leftward spin on their reporting, so I was expecting something confrontational, or at best theologically squishy. I was amazed at what I saw, which you can watch here.

LaHaye and Jenkins did a wonderful job discussing miracles, the importance of Christ’s deity, and our need for atonement. I was expecting ABC reporter Chris Cuomo to be rude to LaHaye and Jenkins, but he was polite, respectful and let them answer his questions.

I’ve actually never read LaHaye and Jenkins’ more famous work, The Left Behind Series. I do know that many Christians believe that their eschatology is problematic. However, I am thrilled that LaHaye and Jenkins said what they said, and that ABC let them.

I went here to send a note of thanks. I would encourage you to do the same.

Check out the story here.


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