City on a Hill Director's Commentary

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Worldview has Everyday Consequences

I came across this yesterday. Apparently, the NYC subway system does reports on the causes of route delays. And one of the leading causes is that riders who are dieting pass out, creating a medical emergency that delays the subway system.

It seems bizarre to me that people would do this to their bodies, and in sufficient numbers that it has created a statistical trend. But it is the logical outworking of worldview.

The classical Christian belief is that man is made in the image of God. Because He is objectively beautiful, so are we. Instead of being slaves to fashion, we’re to be stewards of the bodies he’s given us. We take care of our bodies because God has entrusted their care to us.

But we’ve rejected that view today. Instead, beauty is determined by the whims of Madison Avenue. The standard has to change constantly so that they can sell different clothes, shoes, hair products, handbags and accessories. To be beautiful, you have to conform to this ever changing standard. If you don’t measure up, you’re not as valuable. So even if I have to literally risk my life to achieve a certain body type, I’ll do it.

How much of Madison Avenue’s thinking has infected your worldview?


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