City on a Hill Director's Commentary

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blasphemy Project

How sad. A group of atheists has decided it’s not enough to deny God’s existence. Instead, they’ve taken a misinterpretation of Mark 3:29 and are encouraging people to create videos wherein they deny the Holy Spirit.

Please take a moment to pray for these people.

And check this response on youtube by my Biola classmate Doug Powell.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Victimless crimes?

I doubt you’ll hear anyone saying that porn is a victimless crime for at least a few days.

Carol and I saw the news about the kidnapping the other day, and I offered a prayer that the boy would be found. Praise God that he was.

I haven’t seen many details of the case. But I would wager that the first time that Michael Devlin used porn, his master plan was not to become a nationally known kidnapper. But when we misuse our sexuality, it takes us places we’d never choose or want to wind up.

I’ve never heard anyone say, “I’m sure glad that I ignored the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.” But when Michael Devlin did just that, he didn’t ruin his own life. He also damaged two boys, two sets of parents and countless others.

Please keep these families in your prayers, and please pray that our nation will stop pretending that we can deny God’s purposes for sex and still be happy, healthy people.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Abortion, population control and unintended consequences

China is facing a big problem. In some regions of China, the ratio of boys to girls is 130:100. In a few years, the nation is facing a surplus of 30 million bachelors.

This is due to China’s strict population control “one-child” policy. Although “sex-selection” abortions are illegal, they’re obviously happening, especially in rural areas. If you live on a farm, and the government has said that you can have one child, you want to have a boy. He will be able to do more physical work and be more productive. If the doctor tells you you’re pregnant with a girl, that means you’ll never have a boy, unless you abort the girl.

This problem is rooted in several bad assumptions:

1. Rising birthrates are a “problem” to be “solved”.
2. Abortion is a good way to control population growth.
3. If we tweak abortion laws to outlaw sex-selection abortions, people won’t manipulate the system based on their immediate needs, but will honor the intentions of the policy’s creators.

Are rising birthrates a “problem” to be “solved”? Certainly, a culture has to be concerned with distribution of resources. The Communist system has proven to be a disaster when it comes to distributing resources. A strong argument can be made that people are smart enough to stop having kids when they can’t be provided for, and that artificially lowering the birthrate through abortion creates more problems than it solves (immediate moral arguments notwithstanding). At City on a Hill, we address the moral problems with abortion. China is now dealing with one of the practical problems.

Statistically speaking, married men are more productive than single men. (You’re free to disagree with this assertion, but please do so using data and not anecdotes.) I won’t go into detail about this, but I will point out that my insurance rates went down when I got married. This is because when men get married, they are less likely to take foolish risks and more likely to engage in economically productive activities, because now they have a family to care for. China’s foolish population control policy has left it with thirty million extra risk-takers. They’ve aborted so many girls that these men do not have any prospect for marriage.

Like just about everything else on this blog, it all comes back to worldview. If people are merely resource consumers, then by all means we ought to eliminate a few, regardless of our emotional attachment to them. But if we’re created in the image of God, and He has given us the ability to create wealth, maximize resources and make good decisions, then we cannot overrule His ways and expect to prosper. China’s Marxist assumptions about wealth and human nature have left it with a big problem.

P.J. O’Rourke, though hardly a Christian, has some insight into these types of issues. In his book All the Troubles in the World, his chapter on overpopulation is titled, “Just enough of me, too much of you.” Try to check it out if you can.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pearls Before Swine

Subject: Pearls Before Swine

When I get to the comics page, usually I only read Dilbert.

But the Journal Star just added this one, and I’m giving it a chance. A few of them have lighthearted worldview implications.

Like this one about cultural relativism.

And this one lampooning the idea that meaning is interpretation.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Extreme Makeover

I’m way too cynical. I far too often assume the worst about any situation. So when the lovely Carol and I watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition last night, I brought all of my jaded opinions along with me. I don’t ordinarily watch the show, but it was the one featuring the family from Lincoln.

When they showed the house going up, I found myself resenting what was going on. Why did they deserve such a nice house? Why are all of these resources being spent on one family?

But then I realized something. My day is coming. Someday I will move into a house that makes Bill Gates’ place look like this. Jesus is preparing a place for us. And we won’t deserve it. But it will be more magnificent than anything we can conceive.

This show is a picture of grace. God bestows on us gifts that we don’t deserve and could not possibly pay for. How wonderful is that?


One thing saddened me, though. Throughout the show, the hosts insinuated that the HOUSE would make this family happy. Certainly there was a rush of excitement when everybody moved in. But no matter how snazzy the place, apart from Christ, there can be no contentment or true happiness. We’re constantly being told that the right house/car/clothes/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/IPOD/vacation/laundry detergent/extra value meal/bank account balance/Cotton Bowl victory is the key to a contented soul. But as Augustine said, “Our souls will not find rest until they find their rest in thee.” None of these things is a bad thing, but when they become a god-substitute, they are guaranteed to disappoint.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Worldview has Everyday Consequences

I came across this yesterday. Apparently, the NYC subway system does reports on the causes of route delays. And one of the leading causes is that riders who are dieting pass out, creating a medical emergency that delays the subway system.

It seems bizarre to me that people would do this to their bodies, and in sufficient numbers that it has created a statistical trend. But it is the logical outworking of worldview.

The classical Christian belief is that man is made in the image of God. Because He is objectively beautiful, so are we. Instead of being slaves to fashion, we’re to be stewards of the bodies he’s given us. We take care of our bodies because God has entrusted their care to us.

But we’ve rejected that view today. Instead, beauty is determined by the whims of Madison Avenue. The standard has to change constantly so that they can sell different clothes, shoes, hair products, handbags and accessories. To be beautiful, you have to conform to this ever changing standard. If you don’t measure up, you’re not as valuable. So even if I have to literally risk my life to achieve a certain body type, I’ll do it.

How much of Madison Avenue’s thinking has infected your worldview?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Friday night was a blast! We had nineteen alums join us for the big reunion. I’m sure we would have had more but the weather was a little threatening and a number of people said that they hadChristmas related conflicts. It was good to see so many City alums and catch up on things. We played a few games and Jonathan Patras challenged us all to develop character-based leadership. I recommended Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard, which speaks to the connection between our beliefs and our spiritual formation.

We also watched the promo video and a video about The Truth Project. I’m planning to go through the training for this soon, and then try to start a group. I’d love to have some alums in the class. I’ll keep you posted.

Oh, and we played some Catch Phrase as well: